Fugitive Emission Control System

Fugitive Emission Control System

Fugitive emissions control systems are used when some point source of air pollution remains after the installation of the primary air pollution control system or when the generated air pollution is not substantial in nature or quantity but must be controlled. These are basically air pollution control systems that are usually based on dry-type control technologies, either bag filter-based or cyclone separator based.

Single or multiple hoods, with or without cover chambers are part of the system, and dedicated ID fans for efficient suction. We offer custom-designed units for superior performance. The capacity of the such unit varies from 4,000 cm to 100,000 cm or more as per requirement.

Industrial Air Pollution Control System Manufacturer in India

Industrial Air Pollution Control System

Indotherm Equipment Corporation is one of the leading manufacturers of Industrial Air Pollution Control Systems around. We have been working for many years to deliver the best of our services and products to clients.

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